'How to paint a picture
without the object in-front of you?'
I wondered as a kid
I thought that vase with bougainvillea
can be put on paper.
More effectively than
the tragedy which I was facing.
I was just nine.
A vase made more sense
than the stars in starry night
which represented havoc
Or the fact,
that it was painted in a mental asylum.
So the pain I was enduring made no sense to me
Does pain ever make sense?
If we could reason with pain,
pay it a penny or two
to alleviate it,
it could be easier for that nine year old child.
she didn’t, know exist in her body.
You see, she learnt a lesson
In human anatomy so differently
So harshly
So painfully
So wrongly
that it shredded her apart.
She believed her body to
be a vase
the one which can be drawn by anyone.
She didn't know that question she asked
will soon have an answer.
That's the tragedy with innocent questions
You don't want an answer,
especially through an experience.
Tragedy she suffered at nine,
The one she understood few years later
made her numb.
This numbness was drawn into canvas,
by combination of exquisite colours
which were not the colour of vase.
Vase here stands for a normal childhood.
Her mother wondered what inspired her.
Only if she understood the
art enough to ask.
She was screaming all this time.
Her pain taught her to visualise things that never existed.
Her pain was the biggest teacher
and her paintings were the loudest confession.
No one understood.