Thursday, 11 October 2018

Panic Attacks

Let's talk about panic attacks. 
When I have one, I feel like there is an elephant on my chest. I feel like one second equals a lifetime and nothing can be done to precipitate this feeling. ' Tap Tap Tap', I thump my feet on ground in attempt to wake it for its support. I look around. Everything is blurry. All sound cease to have their own frequency, pitch or amplitude and I can just hear a buzz. 
I start hyperventilating. I am an alien who cannot respire oxygen. 
I want to conceal myself. I want to hide behind a rock which is ready to roll over me. I dont want the world to know what I am feeling. 
I don't want to ask because even though all is hazy I can visualise their reaction. I can read their mind. All they think is 'again?' 'is she not over that guy?' 'why does she not go for gymming?'. Suddenly their thoughts become the verdict I never needed. I drown in self-loathe. 'Try to walk, girl' . Then I look towards my loved ones and think what they have done to see me go through this. It's very strange that during this time of brain fog I can charge myself with crimes I have not committed.

Yesterday I had terrible panic attacks. I had to go to seek medical help. However it passed away. So anxiety and panic attacks are terrible. But they do pass away. Even though I cannot breathe myself but oxygen somehow finds its way in. I have understood that it's a disorder which can be cured. I am taking required medications. I am working on it. Slowly with time it will go away. 
Slowly with time it will be all clear
Slowly with time the knots in my chest will open up

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