Monday, 23 April 2018

The reptile

I won't stop...
I will stand in long queues,
Wait to train my will power.
Social anxiety is a groaning reptile.
It has wrapped me.
Now I am asphyxiated.
But I will wait.
All metaphors will lose their shine,
But this reptile won't die.
'Sing a song'; I sang like I was punishing myself, 
For having a melodious voice
'you think a lot'.
No, I just talk a lot to this animal.
If someone lives with you;
You converse, you are generous.
Maa, sorry for not introducing you to friends,
the snake hissed that-
your poor English will let me down
Sorry,this snake writhered me,
squirmed me,
controlled me.
And now I dont know 
how to survive without it...

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